Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Job Part II: The Fridge

Many of you know that I have battled a past addiction to liquid cocaine.

Pepsi. Dr. Pepper. Mountain Dew. Coke. Sprite. Ah heck, any softdrink beverage that is carbonated, has caffeine, and gets me all revved up after I drink it.

I recently completed a fast from soda and have been feeling terrific. Soda no longer haunts my thoughts, gives me withdrawl headaches, or sounds particularly appetizing at 6:00 AM.

Until yesterday.

I walked into the kitchen area at my new office and saw two fridges.

"Weird," I thought.

I opened the first fridge. It was a normal fridge filled with normal foodstuffs. I proceeded to open the second fridge.

Oh my $&!#@*!!!

I nearly wet myself when I saw what was inside.

Row after row after row of soda. I'm not talking about ten or twelve sodas. I'm talking about six shelves of soda just beckoning to be had. I spent the rest of the day trying to forget about that second fridge.

It's almost not even fair.


Abby said...

wow - that's funny. Good luck with that.

Dawson said...

it's the holy grail of soda. i can just picture the glory shining into your eyes as you peered into the beast.